Освіта та робота
Увесь світ 🌍
Ukrainian online school for classes 5-11
Open positions in Science
Resque Forum: Support for artists and cultural workers in danger
This platform was created to provide support to artists and art professionals that found themselves in danger or at risk of being in danger as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Jobs for refugees
Offers of assistance for Ukrainian students and scientists
Kovcheg for Scientists
Kovcheg for Doctors
Kovcheg for Engineers
to get into the chat room, you need to fill out the form: https://forms.gle/LNQHJoTqtV8V3Zza7
ЄС 🇪🇺
UA Talents
A job platform for displaced persons from and within Ukraine.
Jobs for Ukrainians
A platform that brings together people fleeing the war and companies that want to hire them.
Dear Colleagues
Aggregator of opportunities for displaced scholars and students
Чехія 🇨🇿
Where can a refugee find a job in the Czech Republic? List of useful sites
Німеччина 🇩🇪
BMAS: work and social welfare FAQ for refugees from Ukraine
Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs: Information of the federal states for refugees from Ukraine
Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs: Ukraine - Recognition Information
The Berlin Handwerkskammer (Chamber of Skilled Crafts): Support & Consultations
Find information about assistance offers, important framework conditions for entrepreneurs, skilled workers and trainees, information about recognition of foreign professional education and more.
Kubunaut: Funding opportunities and job offers related to the Ukraine war
akno e.V.: The Eastern European Academic Network
The Eastern European Academic Network (akno e.V.) establishes long-term international cooperation, focusing on students and scholars from post-Soviet countries who have suffered repression or persecution.
Find jobs
Find jobs in the media
Learn German For Free
Five-week language course
Berlin | Information from the Department for Education, Youth and Family on daycare, school, recognition of degrees
Berlin | Kids School Activity (6-10 years)
This is an offer for school children from Ukraine to participate in a school project with an Ukrainian teacher a few hours a day.
Berlin | Technical University of Berlin
Offers for students and researchers, and accommodation
Berlin | Free University Berlin
Offers for researchers and students
Berlin | Humboldt University Berlin
Offers and support for researchers and students
Bielefeld | University: Support for escaped students and researchers
GFPS Scholarship Program for Ukrainian Students
Are you an active, socially engaged university student who wants to study in Germany? Then apply for a scholarship from the GFPS!
Литва 🇱🇹
HelpUA: Information for Ukrainians in Lithuania
Росія 🇷🇺
AntiJob: Support Fund
Forced to support the "special operation" at work? Threatened with firing or already fired for your political stand? Don't keep quiet! Tell us! Get help!
OVD-Info: Fired after participation in a protest. Is it legal and what to do?
OVD-Info: Being expelled for participating in a protest. What to do?
Dear Colleagues
Aggregator of opportunities for displaced scholars and students
Україна 🇺🇦
Ukrainian online school for classes 5-11
Dear Colleagues
Aggregator of opportunities for displaced scholars and students